In marching band, we had our band day performance on September 23rd. We played
at the high school football game with the high school and elementary school bands. On band day, we performed “Louie, Louie”, “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye”, “Sweet Caroline”, and “On! Wisconsin”. We then stayed in the stands until half time and played with the high school band. Unfortunately the CYSD homecoming parade was cancelled due to weather, but during the weekend of October 14, we had two parades. On Friday, Oct. 14, the Middle School Marching Band marched in the Dillsburg Farmers Fair Parade. While marching, we played “On! Wisconsin”, “Sweet Caroline”, and “You’re A Grand Old Flag”. On Sunday, October 16, we marched in the Manchester Halloween Parade as our final parade of the year. We will play the same songs we played in the Dillsburg parade. It's been a fun band season!
daily learning